Rule of Law

- January 2019
Media Adjustment in Tunisia Perceptions and Ideas for Reform and Development

The stage of democratic transition, which comes within the framework of a traditional revolutionary path, is characterized by a dual disassociation and construction. Dismantling the pillars, institutions and methods of the old system and seeking to build democratic alternatives to these various structures, pillars and methods. The process of dismantling and building is characterized by conflict between the conservative forces benefiting from the old regime and the forces aligned with the revolution, and for building a democratic system that cuts with tyranny, its institutions, methods of governance, and culture. The media is at the
heart of this conflict because of its wide impact and access to various groups of citizens in cities and rural areas, in public places and in private shops, and entering into people's homes and addressing different groups regardless of their level of education, culture and awareness. The establishment of pluralism, integrity, objectivity, values, methods of management and democratic activity in the media sector at the same time is a major goal of the democratic transition and one of its most sensitive pillars, and therefore one of the most important fields of conflict, intensity and ferocity between the forces of pull back and the forces of push towards change and democratization. In addition to the constitution and political institutions, such as representative and constitutional councils, the institutions of  the executive, judicial, and security authorities, and the ruling party's machine, the system of tyranny relies on the media as a tool of propaganda, fallacy, forgery, and blackout on the reality of social, economic, and political reality. It is also used as a powerful tool to defame dissidents and honorable defenders of rights, freedoms and democratic values.